Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tired in Twenty-One Ways

I’m tired of waking up in the same f*cking scenery, everyday
I’m tired of not seeing myself the way God sees me
I’m tired of going to work and dealing with idiots
I’m tried of being nice to people
I’m tired of people walking all over me
I’m tired of being sh*tted on
I’m tired of being invisible
I’m tired of being overlooked
I’m tired of being dependent
I’m tired of not being heard
I’m tired of being unhappy
I’m tired of hating my life
I’m tired of being me, sometimes
I’m tired of trying and getting nowhere
I’m tired of feeling a thousand of tears on my face
I’m tired of b*tch-ass people
I’m tired of having hate in my heart
I’m tired of living in an injustices world
I’m tired of being judged base on the color of my skin
I’m tired of my own kind looking down at me
I’m tired of just being disappointed

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